Hopefully this will be pretty self-explanatory - on this page you'll find Cool Stuff for your ears. So, that might be bands, podcasts, that kind of thing. They might deal with different things or be from different genres, but one thing is sure - it's Cool Stuff, done by Cool People.

The Mick Betancourt Show podcast


It's highly probably you wouldn't be reading this page if I hadn't been listening to the Mick Betancourt Show for the past year or so. I was hooked hearing him on the Crabfeast podcast (FTCB!) and his horrifyingly unbelievable backstory. Never takes listeners' time for granted, and frequently makes for interesting and inspiring interviews. Listen, subscribe, and, oh, RIP Giovanni di merda.



If like me you enjoy listening to odd stories and interesting nuggets of trivia, then Radiolab is one of the many podcasts that I'd strongly recommend. They're released a little erratically, but when they come out, they're normally good. Whether they be about the evolution of HIV/Aids and Ebola, the pitch at which alligators make their mating calls, or Japanese war balloons, they're always interesting. Well worth a listen.

Filled your ears? Why not try your eyes?